Lock Android Phone Automatically

          Lock your Android  Phone Automatically While Putting In Pocket

smart phone automatic lock

Smart phone Makers Companies introducing New option in their new Smart Phones. For example, to Lock Smart Phone or open any application you create a specific winding line.

Using Sensors included in smart phones were offered several features. One feature is that phone will automatically lock while putting it in pocket. To use this feature you must install "Pocket Lock" application.

To use this application, it is very important that  "Proximity" and "Gravity" sensors are present in your phone. With the help of these sensors the application identifies whether the phone is in use or present in the pocket. 

After installing pocket Lock Application the administration must be enabled.

Then the application is able to work. Now if you put your phone in your pocket the sensors present in phone check that the phone sensor are covered so It is expected that the phone is in your pocket.

Smart phone pocket lock

Since it uses both sensors so that when you remove the phone from face and hand move down the phone will be locked because the Gravity Sensors tell that the phone is moving from top to bottom.

There are several options in this interesting application To lock the phone. through which you can lock the phone automatically when you are not using it. 

Similarly it is not necessary to press the key again and again for locking phone. but important sensors must present in the phone

Milan Tomic

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